
The smallest compliments can mean the world

"You may never know how much a small compliment can mean to someone. If the woman from Action for Children ever reads this, I hope she realises what a difference the little chat made."


Am I being selfish?

While my boy will never know his biological father, am I being selfish for not wanting to marry and provide a step-parent for him? Is he missing out on a father figure or am I really enough for him?

Law, News, pregnancy

Harming the unborn child

Intrigued by the case every law student will study, AG Ref 3 of 1994, I question the current law relating to the harm of an unborn child. No, I'm not talking about abortion, take that debate far away from here. I'm talking about a 3rd party knowingly harming a foetus. What do you think that person would be charged for?


The lesser known ‘delights’ of pregnancy

We all know the main signs and horrible things that tag along with pregnancy, but there are many more that are lesser known or simply too embarrassing to talk about. Here's my brief list, you have been warned - no matter what people say, pregnancy is not dignified.


Taking a Step Back Doesn’t Always Mean Failure

When life takes an unexpected turn it can be hard to see the positive side of things. When you feel like a failure it sometimes takes a miracle to make you see otherwise.

motherhood, Uncategorized

Motherhood: a Lot More Changes Than Just Routine

Before I fell pregnant I never saw myself as a mother. When I found out I was, in fact, going to be a mother, I thought I would struggle with the idea and struggle to adapt to motherhood. When my son was born, it felt like a switch had flicked inside me and in the blink of an eye I was besotted and obsessed with this little person and wanted to do nothing else but love and care for him.